The Lasersohn Collection represents 40 years of research in European textiles and motif origins. It also serves as a starting point for educators, designers, and textile aficionados.

Jill Lasersohn in her home office. Photo courtesy of Hamptons Cottages & Gardens

Jill Lasersohn in her home office. Photo courtesy of Hamptons Cottages & Gardens

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The Lasersohn collection is an encyclopedic representation of European textiles and textile accessories that we are proud to share for research, education, exhibition, or inspiration purposes.

Featured Textiles

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We try to not let objects be tucked away too long. So whether Jill is consulting with designers, we’ve made our most recent motif discovery, or an object is currently being exhibited, you can find our current projects here.


Who we’ve partnered with.

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We’d love to work with you.